
Physicists study everything from the stars in the sky to the atomic particles in the atmosphere. 虽然看起来很复杂, physics – alongside its complementary math and philosophy – is the foundation of all sciences. 将他们的专业知识应用于生物学的物理学家, 化学或天文学可以帮助治疗疾病, fight climate change and understand the evolution of our universe. Physicists develop new technology and help improve obsolete technology. Studying nature and how it works is crucial to improving humanity. 在丹佛州立大学物理系, you will develop the tools to do just that as a part of your Physics degree.

The 物理系 offers a 理学学士 degree, 文学学士学位, 辅修物理.  We also offer a 文学学士 with Secondary Licensure for future STEM teachers.  作为一个物理专业的学生, you will develop important 技能 such as the ability to think critically and objectively.  Physicists are known for their ability to solve novel problems. The advanced mathematical 技能 you will learn as a Physics major will serve you well not only in scientific workplaces such as laboratories and academic settings, 但也有更多的应用领域,如计算机编程, 工程学等等. 皇冠官网网站的毕业生在他们选择的职业道路上茁壮成长, 即使这些路径也不在传统的科学领域.  

有很多方法可以让世界变得更美好, but almost none of them can be implemented without an understanding of Physics. The opportunity to use knowledge in practical applications is what motivates physicists around the world. If you aspire to pursue an exciting degree in a field that will challenge and inspire you throughout your career, become a Physics major today and the Department of 丹佛市立大学物理系 will help you pave the way.



“每辆伟大的月球车背后都有一个女人……或者上百个女人。. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) recently made history with lunar mission Chandrayaan-3它使一辆探测器着陆Pragyan在月球的南极. 为了纪念这一成就, 着陆点被命名为Shive Shakti, 源自印度神话中女性能量的概念. The reference is far from arbitrary; it’s meant to honor the women who helped make the ambitious space mission possible. ISRO states that around 25 percent of its 16,000 employees are women. Over 100 women were involved in the lunar mission as scientists or engineers, and contributed to making India the first nation to place a rover on one of the moon’s poles with a modest budget of $75 million.(摘自《皇冠体育官网》)




小班授课 taught by experienced professors who encourage individual interaction between students and faculty.

向专业、多元化的教师学习 现实世界的经验.

有意义的伙伴关系 科罗拉多州 aerospace, applied physics companies and national labs which offer 有多种实习和就业机会.




  • 生物物理学家
  • 地震学家
  • 医学物理学家
  • 分子物理学家
  • 化学物理学家
  • 弹道学家
  • 天文学
  • 凝聚态物理学家
  • 工程师(航空航天、土木、电气)
  • 软件工程师
  • 金融
  • 密码学
  • 医学成像
  • 环境分析
  • 销售工程师
  • 卫星数据分析师/工程师
  • 科学作家
  • 项目经理
Two students sit on the grass while discussing and holding a laptop and a notebook.

The Auraria Campus was bustling with students the first week of classes starting Aug. 23, 2021.


Your generous donations support 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students pursue their dreams.

Your tax-deductible donation will help the 物理系 continue to provide a quality and competitive education for our students.






(303) 615-1110

(303) 556-6475
